
AdminaHealth bridges enrollment, invoices, and payroll, providing clean eligibility/enrollment plus accurate and timely billing data. This gives carriers the ability to digitally present bills to customers that reflect all lines of coverage.

  • No More Wrestling with Data Integration: Allow AdminaHealth to be the connection to all group benefit administration platforms, pulling in and formatting enrollment data effortlessly for use across all departments.
  • Pay Claims Only for Those Currently Enrolled: Eliminate manual processes and reporting lag with API-powered automation. Automatically reconcile enrollment data with adjustments, ensuring clean, synchronized information for billing, eligibility, claims, and more.
  • Enhanced Client Experience: Offer electronic bill presentment by product line and a user-friendly portal for clients to approve changes and initiate electronic payments. This promotes efficiency and transparency, fostering stronger client relationships.

Ready to experience the benefits? Contact us today for a demo!

Carriers collage

The End of Exorbitant Data Transformation Fees: A Carrier’s Journey with AdminaHealth

A large national carrier that provided comprehensive benefits (health, dental, voluntary, etc.) approached AdminaHealth looking for assistance with 1) setting up file feed connections with the various customer BenAdmin platforms, 2) creating consolidated invoices containing all coverages chosen by client groups, and 3) presenting the bills.

Once they had implemented the AdminaHealth platform, the carrier was able to stop paying exorbitant third-party file formatting service fees as all data was ingested and re-formatted within the Billing Suite. They started producing accurate monthly client bills and were able to digitally present them to their clients. They were able to reduce service issues due to data discrepancies, ultimately leading to a smoother client experience.

An Investment That Pays Multiple Dividends

Computer screen with people in front showing them a Savings graph

Administrative Oversight ROI

During Onboarding & Ongoing
Frequently, new clients being implemented on the AdminaHealth Billing Suite uncover discrepancies between enrollment and billing data that existed for many months. Identifying and resolving those discrepancies commonly results in significant employer savings that can offset the first years’ platform costs or more. The ongoing reconciliation process prevents future errors from being passed on to claims payers.

Intensive Manual Processes > Operational Efficiencies

Reduce hours of manual adjustments for each benefit plan from month to month. No more rework! Automating the billing administration workflow to review all an employee’s plans as changes happen enhances accuracy and increases efficiency–time spent on monthly reconciliation tasks significantly decreases.

Protect Trust with Accurate Service Delivery

The employer is responsible for communicating to claims payers who has enrolled and at what level of coverage. Unfortunately, due to technological discrepancies and timing, not all service vendors utilize the most current information to deliver services or pay claims. Validating the claims payers’ billing data is aligned with the employers’ information eliminates this risk. Know employees are enrolled in the plans they opted into at the correct rates and the correct amounts are coming from their paychecks.