News & Updates

The lastest AdminaHealth News and Updates, including press releases, event notices, and employee benefits & insurance industry thought leadership articles.

AdminaHealth Billing Suite Live Demo

AdminaHealth Billing Suite Live Demo

Brokers, Agents, Carriers, TPAs, and Employers – how do you know your Annual Renewals didn’t cause new problems you are unaware of that could potentially turn into more significant errors? We have uncovered incorrectly entered rates, life changes, and even incorrectly entered plan start and end dates. How do you currently find errors end correct them?

You are invited to join our February live demo, “Accurate Billing Satisfied Customers,” to learn more about how we help you achieve clean billing data both during Annual Renewal and each consecutive month thereafter!

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Automate enrollment and vendor invoice reconciliation

7 Error-Free Premium Billing Tips

How often are you able to rest assured that your employee benefit billing administration is done accurately and on time? Here are seven tips to minimizing errors in your billing administration.

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